Here at Tadpoles Community pre-school we are an Ofsted graded ‘Good’ pre-school. Our latest inspection was in January 2020, below are some of the things that Ofsted have to say about us…
“The members of the recently appointed leadership team are very ambitious and passionate about the service they provide. Managers have a strong vision for the nursery.”
“Staff provide a warm and welcoming environment. Children form secure attachments, and positive relationships between staff and children are evident.”
“Partnerships with parents are good. Leaders and staff use effective communication methods to share information with them, including through daily discussions and face-to-face meetings. Parents speak very highly about the nursery and report how well their children are developing.”
Our latest Ofsted inspection was in 2020, click here to see our full report. However, we have not stopped there, we are still working hard to ensure our provision goes from strength to strength. Want to find out more? Why not get in touch today on 01276402588