Safeguarding Is Everyone's Buisness:
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead for our Preschool are Kacey Grig
In Kacey's absence Chloe Lee is the designated safeguarding lead
In both Kacey and Chloe's absence Maria Pearce is the designated safeguarding lead.
Safeguarding all children is everyone's business, if you have any concerns about a child please do speak to one of the safeguarding leads.
Some useful contact numbers if you do not wish to speak to one of the Safeguarding Leads.
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
In a emergency dial 999

Miss Kacey
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Works every day
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Term Time
Please contact Kacey via email
or telephone 01276402588
Miss Pat
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Works Tuesday and Wednesday Term Time
Please contact Pat via email
or telephone 01276402588